20130404: v1.11.1 released Changes in 1.11.1 compared to 1.10.2: New features: * Profiler with extended functionality: "Detrend" for background substraction and "Integration" for profile integration (e.g. convert point spread to line spread function). * Extended calibration feature by multi background calibration via new key word "$dark_frame_refresh" and a second dark image (e.g. caused by changed temperature). * New Histogram optimization using a "xx%" input in the data to screen mapping window. The selected xx% of the histogram is used for optimum image display, in this way outliers like bad pixels are not influencing the displayed contrast. * Read-only support of DICONDE files according to the ASTM standard revision 2012. * New parameter-free filter algorithms "Adaptive Details (isotropic and anisotropic)" according to our patent EP 07787 651.4 for high-pass filtering including noise reduction. * External overlay (binary image with identical size as the loaded 16 bit gray value image) can be shown as green mask on top of the gray scale image (on/off switchable). Feature can be used for visual display of image segmentation results produced by external programs. * New recursive filter algoritm implemented (parameter-less) according to our publication http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/7/04/C04018. Bugfixes: * No bugs have been reported since the last version, so only some internal fixes have been done. 20100308: v1.10.2 released Changes in 1.10.2 compared to 1.10.1: New features: * Pixel arithmetics (aka image calculator) is added (see Image menu). * Calculation of relative contrast is added to the profile window. This is first of all usefull for evaluation of double wire IQI. The relative contrast shows in this case how good the imaging system is able to resolve the wire pair (i.e. modulation). It is calculated as "(cursor_gv - min_marker_gv) / | marker1_gv - marker2_gv |" (the formula is also shown in tool tip if you keep the moise pointer over the value in profiler window). * Commands "set_negative_representation" and "set_latitude_warning" are added. * SNR measurement in the area of current mouse cursor is performed now in two directons: horizontal (as before) and vertical (new). Which one is displayed in the status bar can be selected via a context menu (right mouse click on the status bar). * "Line or Spot Removal" was improoved. * Box-Muller and Marsaglia random number generators are implemented. * Greyvalue lens (automatic histogram optimization in window) sends now the "optimize_win" command via remote controller interface (instead of "set_black_white"). It is very useful for comparison of two versions of the same image, e.g. two differently processed versions or an original and processed one. * Short left-click in histogram optimization mode will clear selection (issues "optimize_win" without arguments). * Tool tips hide-delay is increased to 60s (was 2.5s by default). Bugfixes: * Single-click mark setting in profiler is repaired. * "recall statistics" and "profile smoothing" bugs are fixed. * Restoring of profile width via "Recall" button works again. * Sporadical "abnormal program termination" after trying to read non-existent image (for example performing calibration) is fixed. * Internal beauty-fixes. 20091102: v1.10.1 released Changes in 1.10.1 compared to 1.10.0: A lot of bugfixes which were primarely connected with conceptual internal changes made in v1.10.0. Fixed among others are: * "Reset LUT" was executed instead of "Apply LUT", therefore "Apply LUT" was not possible * cropping of full-width or full-height images * pixel size calibration was completely broken * variuos small and big bugs during of changing/adding/removing of ROIs New features: * The algorithm for automatic wall thickness measurements, known from wtScope software (originating from the same author), is enabled again (see Profiler window). Addidtionally, the possibility of automatic determination of outer and inner pipe walls is included, i.e. automatic measurement of outer and inned diameters. * Negative tool bar button is added. It should help to instantly recognize and toggle the negative image representation * ROI drawing (in image) in OSD mode is improoved * Automatic ROI naming starts now from Roi0 (instead of Roi1 before). You can still manually change this automatic naming. * Log console got new features: grouping of sequences of similar commands and hiding of commands which only chage visual representation of the image (but not the image or roi data). * Nesting of batches is prohibited (for the moment). Contact me if you think you really need this feature. * Spelling of "change_mode" command is changed to "change_tool" (only interesting to people connecting ISee! with other software) 20091020: v1.10.0 is released Changes in 1.10.0 compared to 1.9.0: * "Execute Batch" is added ("Misc" menu). A batch is a list of ISee! commands, the same command as already used for controlling of ISee! via telnet. See: http://www.kb.bam.de/~alex/ic/interfacing-with-ic/index.html for details. Besides real, i.e. multi-line, batches, this feature can be well used for storing your preferred combination of parameters for image (pre-)processing and recalling them afterwards with only one mouse click. Check sample batch jobs now included in the full ISee! distribution (ic-v1.10.0.zip). * Log Console is added ("Misc" menu). In the log console one can see all user actions logged in form of ASCII commands. These are the same commands as in telnet interface and they can be also used for for cut-and-paste construction of your favorite batch files. Or just use "mkbatch" button in the log cosole window to send a ready to execute batch job in the windows clipboard. Enjoy it! * Big and important internal remake (hopefully not visible to end-users): most interactive user actions are streamed (in form of ASCII commands) via the same execution pipeline as commands coming from the remote controller or read out of a batch file. This should ensure consistent behaviour between GUI, batch and the telnet. It is tested and works well, but in case if you will see new bugs appearing or some missed functionality - write me please. * A word to developers: spelling of some ASCII commands used in telnet interface (and since now also in batch jobs) is changed, please check the output of the "help" command. I know, it is not a good thing and also not my normal practice, so such things should not happen again in the future. * DICOM/DICONDE stuff: - DICONDE support is brought in accordance with E2339-8 and DICONDE Practice from 2009-02 - In loading of DICOM Monochrome1 (negative photometrics) the subtraction is done from the actual (2^bits_used)-1 instead of the (2^16)-1 grey value as before * Meta Information Editor is extended and improved. * "Line or Spot Removal" function is added ("Image/Filters" menu). * A nasty bug associated with "reload" button newly introduced in v1.9.0 is fixed now. * Mouse mode "Local Histogram Optimization (windowed auto-levers)" is now the default mode. * Misc. small bugfixes. For example the input field for direct setting of viewing zoom (in the left-bottom corner of the ISee! window) has disappeared on _some_ computers. It should be fixed now. Also numerouse other semi- invisible improvements. 20090506: v1.9.0 is released Changes in 1.9.0 compared to 1.8.2: * Reading of DICOM/DICONDE files is implemented (full support, excluding paletted images). * Reading of various PNG-files is implemented (via libpng). * A framework for handling of meta-information is introduced. User can now add, delete and modify meta records such as TIFF-Tags, DICONDE-Tags, free-text ASCII tags. This meta information can be stored after that in the image itself or the ic-dataset (together with other ROIs). * Major change in the pixelsize philosophy. Old approach (before v1.8.3) was: pixelsize in the image is resolution of the scanner or the digital detector, but pixelsize in the dataset is the effective resolution accounting for the magnification. Therefore the value entered in the GUI was stored in the image if and only if the image itself did not cary its pixelsize at all. In order to save pixelsize from GUI, a dataset had to be created. New approach (v1.8.3 and above): pixelsize in the image object is updated immediately after its change in the GUI regardless of the pixelsize stored in the image before it, i.e. only one pixelsize now instead of two. * A visual aid for positioning of gv-profile perpendicular to an edge or a pipe wall is added. * Image panning with arrow keys and num-pad keys is back! It was dropped once upon a time because of complexities with input focus (editing of text fields was obstructed), but now I think it is fine again. * The old file-lock-bug which has prohibited changing of file name after loading is fixed. * Lists "Recent images" and "Recent datasets" are joined in one (see "File" menu). * Warning about TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION != ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT is added * Bugfix: if dataset with LUT was given in commandline, the transform via LUT was not active (fixed now) * in Profiler: if Furier Magnitude is switched on - switch automatically to 1st order representation 20090127: v1.8.2 released Changes in 1.8.2 compared to 1.8.1: * 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator support for simultaneous zooming and panning! * pixelsize and BSR info are added to status line, as well as SNRn for 20x55 window positioned around the current cursor position * support for loading of floating point TIFFs is added (floating point data are scaled "on load" to use full dynamic of internal 16-bits representation) * it is possible now to start ISee! for immediate listening to a port by using "--listen=" command line parameter (without users' interactive actions) * it is possible now to close ISee! (as program) directly from the remote controller * several bugs related to load image/dataset from remote controller are fixed * remote controller is rewritten significantly * the bug is fixed which disabled transformation via LUT if LUT is loaded from a dataset * the bug is fixed which dispayed warning about two LUTs (viewing and penetrameter one) even if no penetrameter LUT was present in the dataset 20081203: v1.8.1 released Changes in 1.8.1 compared to 1.8.0: * the bug which was limiting number of rois to 36 is fixed, i.e. now an arbitrary number of ROIs is possible * the bug with mixed xSize/ySize in Statistics Window is solved; it appeared first in v1.8.0 and occured if the windows is drawn from bottom-left to top-right (or vice versa) * F11 got functionality of "cycle through full screen modes", F12 is abandoned 20081116: v1.8.0 released Changes in 1.8.0 compared to 1.7.3: * Global history: history of opened images and work directories is shared by all running copies of ISee! It enshures that all loads from all running copies are stored in the history. For example: if second ISee! copy is running, then reload-button will load the same image as the first copy. * Detection and correction of bad pixels during pixel adjustment is added (a lot of stuff) * If an image processing operation is requested by an active LUT, the warning is shown and it is offered to apply LUT first * The Misc-Menu is extended with window layout commands like: "resize to left half of the screen", etc. * Precision of Pixelsize is increased in one decimal number and go now till 10 nm precision * The statistic window is extended with "Unnormalized SNR" * Image processing operations does now show Ops/sec in the progress indicator any longer but Pix/sec instead * Calculation of running median is improoved (runs significantly faster) 20070621: v1.7.3 released Changes in 1.7.3 compared to 1.7.2: * "#adjust_black" option is added to pixel calibration file * adjust pixels: extrapolation for grey values below black and above white is added * panning bug (introduced in the prev. version with movement to the BDS2000 and occured if scroll bars were invisible) is fixed * profiler: if 1st-order representation of profile plot is selected, the cursor and markers can be arbitrary positioned ("sub-pixel resolution"); normal (old) "pixel-resolution" for markers is used if zero-order representation is selected * profiler: lp/pix displayed instead of harmonics if pixelsize is not defined 20070420: v1.7.2 released Changes in 1.7.2 compared to 1.7.1: * Sources are moved to Borland Developer Studio 2006 * On image/dataset open (also as commandline argument) the file is considered as a dataset first and only then as an image * Trying to load dataset the magick seq. is searched only in the first 1024 bytes of the file. This eliminates the known long delay on opening of the big images (which was simply the search for the ic-dataset magic seq.) * printing of profile plot is disabled now by befault since winspool.dll will have to be distributed with the ISee! in the opposite case (due to the new compiler) 20070105: v1.7.1 released and 1.7.2 started Changes in 1.7.1 compared to 1.6.13: * Strategy of default values (including LUT) is changed to NO DEFAULTS: user has to load a suitable dataset in order to fill empty controls with the defaults he wishes * Algorithms of calculation of line statistics in statistic window are changed according to EN 1478 * BasicSpatialResolution is introduced as an image characteristic, it is stored in BasicSR edit in statistics dialog and saved/loaded to/from "general" section of ic-dataset * Selector of sampling method (for profile calc. only) is added to Profiler window (the form is rearanged a bit too), but new sampling is not implemented yet * Set histogram lower/higher limits buttons from marker are added to Levers window 20061103: v1.6.13 released and 1.7.1 started Changes in 1.6.13 comared to 1.6.12: * ROI-List can be switched ON/OFF (the window does not pop up by default anymore) * Buggy display of reference and measurement areas for penetrametric measurements is fixed (was visible only on hight magnifications) Rectangular selections for cropping / statistics / penetrameter / etc. are displayed now generally different (influence only high magnification display) * Center of circular anotation is displayed only during geometry changes and disappear as far as the mouse button is released * Pressing DeleteRoi button if RoiList containing only single entry will clear this ROI (formely does not) * A toolbar with the list of available roi-types (tools) is included into RoiList window * AddRoi/DeleteRoi buttons are mooved to the toolbar of RoiList window and duplicated in the toolbar of the main (viewer) window * ToogleRoiList button is added to main toolbar * Rotated rectangular anotation is implemented - the rectangular anotation can be rotated now if touched on corners which do not resize it (so two corners are responsible for resizing and two other for rotation) * Pixel size calibration is fixed (was completely broken in 1.6.12) * A button in RoiList window is added which copies content of the RoiList to the system clipboard (as text) 20060921: v1.6.12 released and 1.6.13 started Changes in v1.6.12 compared to 1.6.11: * "Statistics in window" is made as a ROI, therefore multiple statistic-windows can be created and stored in one dataset * New anotation ROI, the "Circular Anotation" is added * Penetrameter lost his own LUT - from now ISee! has only one LUT for everything * Remote controlling is actualized/fixed for new features ISee! developement was started in 2001. The first public released version was v1.04.04 on 2003-06-11. --------------------------------------------------- ISee! was written and maintained by Alexander Alekseychuk (Alex.alekseychuk@gmail.com).